Champ, our on-board botanist points out the main features of a Huon Pine. These remarkable trees of which species only a few are left live for thousands of years and a full grown specimen may be 130 feet high and 6 in diameter.
A paddle we are not looking forward too!
Stuck on the beach at Port Davey on the west coast of Tasmania with a fecked outboard waiting for the wind and tide to change so we can paddle back to Strewth moored out in the bay across the bar and about two miles away...
Not a paddle we were looking forward too!
Flights of Black Swans we raised at every turn in the river... At times there were so many lifting off from the water that they looked like snow flakes...
The trip up the river was spectacular in itself, this part of Tasmania is hardly ever visited except for those few like ourselves that are prepared to brave the trip up from the bottom of Tasmania against the famous Roaring Forties.
So we saw a pristine river system, no rubbish, not even a bottle top!
The water in both the river system and the Harbour is coloured black to brown as a result of runoff from the local vegetation, some sort of bracken like grass. The colour is only a few inches deep as the water quickly stratifies so it's only coloured on the top. A few inches down it's clear as crystal.
However the top brown layer discourages some species of fish, mainly those that like to live close to the surface. So many sea birds are also absent as a result. This makes for a rather eerie silence when you stop to notice the lack of bird sounds.
Our visit to Port Davey - Bathurst Harbour was indeed the main rationale for our trip up the west coast. While the trip up will be the subject of another post it's worth saying that the harbour and port were spectacular of themselves. Very hard to describe and well worth the effort we all made to get there.
Bathurst Harbour, early on a windless morning...
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