![]() | Log of the Yacht Magic Friday 2 April 2010 |
02.04.2010 Friday. Inner Pontoon RSYS![]()
08.00 RSYSJoined the Yacht Magic alongside inner pontoon at the RSYS. Loaded personal gear and set up Nav station. Joined those who had come to farewell the crew prior to moving to the fuel dock where we took on about 180ltrs of fuel.
Check lists:First aid kit located in Nav Seat locker.Water tanks fullFuel tank full2 by 20ltr additional fuel containers loaded in aft port deck lockerDinghy stowedDinghy motor stowedDinghy Fuel stowed
Hatch check:Fwd okSaloon okAft ok
Anchor Gear check:Anchor tied on securely okAnchor wired to chain okInboard chain end secured ok
Safety ail and gate check:Check terminals secure okCheck and tape gate latches ok
MoB gear check;Heaving line missingKnife located in cockpit okFloating torches okLife torch and whistle mounted okMoB retrival over stern ladder located okDan Bouy missing.Two life rafts secured one in deck locker okone in port aft cabin on sole. ok
Radio Check;
Ships VHF okHandheld VHF okAM FM receiver okNo HF radio fitted.
Navigation Check:Paper charts okRay Marine Plotter okGarmin Handheld GPS okGPS PC receiver okGarmin handheld navigator okParallel rule okDividers okPencils okEraser oksharpener okWind instruments okShips compass okSelf steering fluxgate compass okCheck depth sounder at known depth shows 0.1meters below keel at known depth.Draft 2.7 metres loaded ok
Electrical system check:Standing float voltage 12.6 volts okAlternator voltage at full charge 14.7 volts okAmp meter displaying discharge while charging (possible wired back to front)
Laptop setup;Secure to station okSecure power leads and aerials oksetup handheld GPS okCompare and cross check GPS readouts ok All three instruments reading within acceptable limits of 8 meters.
Personnel;Skipper; Rob DicksonPort watch captain: Bruce DicksonStarboard Captain: Andrew DicksonAndrew RoseDavid WeirAdam Davis: (joined at Mooloolabar)Paul Kerrigan: Navigation
09:15 Let go lines at RSYS and motored north up Port Jackson.09:30 Safety Briefing for crew.7 PoB as set out above
09:50 Hoisted Main and inserted both reefing lines and checked clutch positions etc. Set main with first reef in.
10:00 Abeam South Head. New course to Helmsman steer 035ºM11:00 Abeam LongReefHeadsail unfurled and poled out to starboard.Windspeed 25kts from SE
12:30 Abeam Cape Three PointsPos; 33º 42'S 151º24'EWindspeed 25kts from SEIst reef and poled out #2 headsailCourse 035ºM
14:30 Abeam Norah Head and Point Pelican1St reef and poled out #2 headsailWindspeed 25kts SENew course 033ºM
15:40 Abeam Catherine Hill Bay 15 miles off and 2.8NM east of course.Ist reef and #2 headsailWindspeed 22kts SESOG 9.0kts
16:40 Abeam Port of Newcastle32NM from next way point at Pt StephensIst reef and #2 headsailWindspeed 20kts SoutherlySOG 8.5kts
17.30 Navigation lights on deck lights and masthead allround white.Ist reef and #2 headsail on poleHand steering for fun!
18:30 Abeam Nobbys Head
POS 33º05'S 152º08'E19:40 Abeam Pt StephensIst reef and #2 Headsail with 2 rolls Setup for overnight sailing.Windspeed 18kts SoutherlyCurrent for the first time with us 1.5kts @233ºMCourse 022ºMDistance to PT Stephens 12.19NM
22:40 4NM off Seal RocksPOS 33º05'S 152º16'ESOG 7.6kts Heading is 040ºMCurrent 1.4kts @029MPole down, #2 headsail rolled out to StarboardWindspeed 25kts Southerly
POS 32º32'S 152º33'ENew course 020ºMPole reset Headsail rolled up two rolls No 1 reef in MainWindspeed 18kts South, Sou' WesterlyPassed lots of ships waiting off Newcastle in last few hours
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