![]() | Log of the Yacht Magic Monday 05.04.2010 |
Message from paul@kerrigan.net:
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Monday 05.04.2010 Under sail POS 28º06'S 153º43'E
00:30 Batteries low at 10.5volts. Started motor and engaged prop at 1500rpm to assist against set.
00:30 Batteries low at 10.5volts. Started motor and engaged prop at 1500rpm to assist against set.
00:45 Switched water tanks. One full tank remains. Still using fresh water to flush head.Set is running at 2.2kts to 158ºM
01:30 New breeze from 170ºM, set new course to steer at 330ºM. This heading is safe for 3hrs at this speed
04:00Abeam Swan Bay,
06:00 Flashing light in water. Weather or fishing bouy?POS 27º44'S 153º39'EHeadsail rolled up and motor sailing only now.Course is 350ºMSet is 1.4kts setting 209ºMSOG 6.2ktsWindspeed 7kts 270ºM
07:30 Off Pt LookoutPOS 27º30'S 153º40'ENav lights out
09:30 Off Cape Moreton and Robert's ShoalPOS 27º21'S 153º35'EMotoring as before wind now 14kts dead astern making for Cape MoretonSOG 8.0ktsSet is 1.2kts setting 318ºM and helping us for a change.Course to steer is 350ºMWeather sunny and warm, slight SE swell and a beautiful sailing day.
10:30 Abeam Hutchison ShoalPOS 27º03'S 153º 34'EHeadsail out to port on a starboard tackSOG 7.8ktsSet is 1.0kts setting 337ºMWindspeed is 17kts T from 157ºMBeautiful day, sunny and clear skies slight SE swellWeary has the iPhone out and is checking fishing knots as we are not being all that successful with the catching, though the fishing continues day and night.
11:00 Gybed onto new course 300ºM to fetch Pt CartwrightPOS 26º57'S 153º33'ESOG 8.0ktsNew course is 340ºMPoled out headsail only
12:05 Altered course to port 30ºM to avoid commercial shippingPOS 26º48'S 153º25'EMaking good westingBroke out a new chart AUS 235
12:10 Altered course to Stb to new course 295ºMPOS 26º48'S 153º24'E
13:50 Fetched Pt Cartwright and made the leads for marina.
14:10 In port secured alongside at the Wallis Marina.
14:15 Contacted Sailmaker Colin Quinn 0418 832 615. He has agree to inspect the work and see if he can help.
14:30 Crew ashore for showers
15:00 Sailmaker arrived and inspected the work. He will return at 07:30 and try and get us underway by 11:00
17:00 Big night ashore and visited a guinness pub. it was rubbish. Retired to Magic and gave the run and coke a nudge.
The boys clubbed in and put Bruce and I ashore in a motel for the night a very nice gesture.
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