Due to the pressure of competing interests, mostly my daughters, I'm posting the body of my post to the Drina inner circle as is here. I just don't have the time to seperately update the blog at the moment, so this is all you get for now, I'm off to polish tables...
The days just slip by and here we are on the day before New Years eve, I'm even starting to look forward to the fireworks...
I've include Drina's last two communications below with the usual bits included/missing depending...
When reading Michael's reports it easy to believe that it's all under control and a bit of a cake walk... I also get to talk with the technical officer from time to time and as a contrast to Michael's laconic tone I give you her latest view in a single phrase ("We are being blown all over the ocean like a beach ball at a Jimmy") I have no idea what a Jimmy is and I'm not sure I'm game to ask. I've Goggled the term without any success. Anyone know?
Drina's Navigation Station.
So here's Drina...
"Dear Kerro,
Many thanks for all the messages for New Year and Christmas. It is very difficult to send out individual replies to everyone. Could you please thank everyone on the blog/mail list you put out.
I do appreciate the news you send, but the 2nd. last one was only partly received., IE No weather as sailmail amended and said they only support a max of 1 kilobyte.
After I finished yesterdays report. and dinner was over we had a increase in wind so put two reefs in. The wind built up to the 35/40+ knot range with max gust 51 knots during the night. The wind was from the NW and we averaged 9 knots for the ten hours it lasted . So was a Vuncomfortable night. It is now after midday our time and we are still in NW winds but only around the 25/30 knot so all sail is up including the mizzen and we are getting along at 6.5+ knots on a course off 87°True.
Last Noon to Noon was 187 miles which is the best so far. Sun is out and seas abating.
Position report 2010-12-29 2030hrsUTC, 43°25'S 95°50'W SOG 6.5kts, COG 87°T and only 971 miles to go,
I found that last weather from Chile the best so far. It forecast the storm we had last night. So more of those please. I don't really find the Aust/NZ reports you send off much use now. The GRIB files we get did not show last nights winds, but direction in them was OK and where
the highs and lows are is shown.
We are in good spirits., and happy to be in the final 1000 miles. Even last night's wild ride with too much mainsail up, has not dampened our spirits, we were so HAPPY to be clicking the miles off. Even now at a sedate 6 1/2 knots with relatively calm seas the ride is OK and sunshine is most welcome.
PNA at 84c is good news too? I suppose Wild Oats should be disqualified, especially as yachts such as Swish rightfully retired because their HF not working at Green Pt?
We will be having Champers for New Year eve, Technical Officer is trying to decide if we should celebrate for Brisbane's at 0800. Sydney at 0700, Local Midnight here, Chile 2100, NJ 2300 or UTC 0000 or all 6 times?
You and GT have a good one
Cheers Michael"
And here is the previous mail received 29th December EST.
(PK Comment, The other yacht mentioned below, that passed relatively close is the SV Nereida owned and sailed single handed by 68 year old Joanne Socrates who sailed out of Victoria harbour BC in non-stop circumnavigation via Cape Horn early in October 2010. She has been at sea for 63 days. Her latest position report puts her close to Michael and Alex onboard Drina. Her web site does not allow copying so I can't show you a picture.
here is a link to Nereida's latest report for those interested in her description of the conditions.
And here is a link to her track on Pangolin.co.nz
Dear Kerro,
It is now our Tuesday at 0530 local,1230hrs UTC 0n 2010-12-28 and we have 1206 mile to go, position 43°31'S 101°13'W, course is 88° T, speed 5.0 knots, as you can see the wind has dropped
out about 1 am, so won't be much miles today.
We had news from Don and Priscilla, (American cruising friends) that we have a yacht 360 miles SE off us with a 68 year old Jeanne Socrates attempting to be the oldest lady to circumnavigate unassisted on her yacht NEREIDA which is a Najab class (Know anything about the class?) Don't know what nationality, maybe you can Google and let us know etc. Vexcited to know someone else out here.
It is now 1730 local, 0130hrs UTC on 2010-12-29th Position 43°29S 100°01'W course 93° True speed 8.0 knots, overcast, raining wind up around the 30+ knots from the north again, it got back up about 0900hrs my time.
Yesterdays noon to noon was 150 miles and we have 1,110 miles to go, Tech Officer is cooking fish for dinner so will close this message for now.
Oh! Do you have price for PNA as well please?
Cheers Michael/TO
Paul Kerrigan
Bathurst Harbour
Check Drina's latest position, click the link below.
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