We are getting into the higher latidudes, the equivelent in Aus might be Melbourne. In terms of out attempt this leaves us some 25 degrees below our goal of the Artic Circle at 66.5N and we haven't started sailing yet!
Michael and Rossco arrived for breakfast of pancakes and some wonderful mapyle sticky stuff washed down with Matt's wonderful Jamacian coffee and I mean WONDERFUL! (Result of long association with Lisbeth I suspect).
Breakfast was followed by:
Review of the wider strategy.
A visit to a marine consignment store. (pictures when I can)
Shopping for computers, we bought another printer...
Planning a food shopping list...
Making a small start on the list.
More coffee.
Lunch at DD's (that's Dunkin Doughnuts for the not so widely travelled.)
Wonderful dinner on the back deck at Matt & Lisbet's
More coffee!
Jamesons and back to bed, where it all started.
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