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Monday, June 16, 2014

New Bedford to Onset Bay - Joshua Slocum, Whale Museum. 15 June 2014

After an early Sunday Morning breakfast at anchor in New Bedford Harbour we swung out the dinghy and set off up river to visit the site of Joshua Slocum's departure for his famous circumnavigation.  He was the first man to to circle the world single handed in a small yacht.

The 37ft sloop, Spray was launched from a little beach in the harbour in 1895 and returned 4 years later to the same spot.  He wrote a book about his travels (Sailing alone around the world) that was a huge success and made his fortune.  He later left, again alone, to sail to South America and  explore the Chile Channels.  Some say to escape his wife who wanted a share of the book royalties.  Whatever the reason he was never heard of again, presumed lost at sea!

Later in the Morning we visited the New Bedford Whale Museum where we spent the remainder of the day. what men those whalers must have been?  If you're ever in New Bedford I recommend a visit to thiis museum, we four thought it really cool! One of the best museums I've ever visited.

after a few very expensive beers for lunch we went aboard and found the wind had returned and was now in a favourable quarter for the next leg of our journey on up to Boston through the Cape Cod Canal.  So we stowed the dinghy on deck, and made our way out the gates to overnight at Onset Bay, an anchorage just on southern end of the channel.   There we were attached by a swarm of midges, tiny black things that soon covered every surface including us.  Thankfully soon after we anchored darkness fell and with it the little black things disappeared as well.

Mike soon had dinner on the go, roast beef and veg with some beer starters and later a little snifter of Jameson to help us all sleep, we retired for the night after what had been a reasonably long and very enjoyable day.

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