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It seems only a little while ago that this Blog was a going concern.  It was updated as often as possible and usually, the content was timel...

Monday, December 17, 2018

Drina at Tuktoyaktuk... As reported elsewhere on the blogosphere

Check out some great pictures and commentary on Drina's stopover at Tuktoyaktuk in 2014 on her way over the top of the world here:


Tuktoyaktuk 2014

Drina anchored and aground off the Supermarket Jetty in Tuktoyaktuk

Drina departing the supermarket Jetty after watering and refueling September 2014

Emily Penn, a few reflections on the NWP Transit aboard Aventura and Drina

Emily Penn the noted environmentalist and anti-plastics campaigner completed the NWP aboard Aventura (Jimmy Cornell) and Drina (Michael Thurston) in the northern summer of 2014.  Some discussion on the expectations of the crew of Drina are published here:

Sail World Cruising - Blue Planet Odessy

For those who are interested in Emily's work lots more information here:

Emily Penn - Skipper and Ocean Advocate

Emily and the crew of Drina on the pack ice

Drina Beset Port Leopold

  On the pack ice at Port Leopold 

Drina Beset... Port Leopold

Skinny Dipping on the pack - Port Leopold

Emily Penn - recovering a trawl at the end of a session, Ross Strait, 170 miles south of Bellot.

Article In Blue Planet on Drina - Interview with Michael

There is a very nice little article that Jimmy Cornell has published in his Blue Planet Blog that includes an interview with Michael (Thurston):

The article can be viewed here:

Michael in New Bedford June 2014

Drina sights the first Ice Berg of the NWP Transit off St John's June 2014