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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Log of the Yacht Magic Wednesday 07.04.2010

Log of the Yacht Magic Wednesday 07.04.2010
Message from paul@kerrigan.net:

Wednesday 07.04.2010  Under sail ;-POS recorded incorrectly but most likely 25º25;S 153º19'E according to track on Laptop (see note below)

02:00  Abeam Indian Head and can see the light at the top of Frazer Island
POS 24º57'S 15º:24'E
SOG 6.0kts
Windspeed 17kts from 122ºM
Course to steer 355ºM
In the last 7 hours an 15 minutes we seem to on my reckoning have been doing an average SOG of 8.02 kts.
The recording in the log at 22:00 hrs would suggest that we did 57 miles Northing in two hours... probably not in this boat!
The recording in the log at midnight 24:00hrs suggests we did 16 miles of Southing (perhaps we turned round in the night without noticing!!!  And the log recording at 0200hrs suggests that we did 3 miles of northing in the previous 2 hours!!!

I think I'll go with a typo in the log for 22:00 and 24:00hrs.  Six hours of mystery!

03:30 Almost abeam top of Frazer Island
POS 24º49'S 153º25'E
SOG 8.0Kts
Windspeed 17kts from 121ºM
Course to steer 355ºM

04:40 WP 21 missed by 1.7NM (Blew my top and gave a little lecture on waking me and watching course)
SOG 6.0kts
Windspeed 17kts from 120ºM
New course to steer 340ºM
Making for Sandy Cape
Reefed main and #2 headsail

07:30 Making for Breaksea Spit
POS 24º25'S 153º19'E
SOG 7.5kts
Windspeed 17kts from 171ºM
New course to steer 310ºM
Nav lights out.

08:10 Reaching past Lady Elliot Island
POS 24º22'S  153º15'E
Windspeed 20kts from 100ºM
New course to steer 320ºM
Fine sunny day, reefed Main and full #2

09:00 Abeam Breaksea Spit
Being set to the north and east.
New course to steer 310ºM

10:00 Breaksea Spit just abaft
Started motor to charge batteries and engaged prop at 1800 rpm
SOG 8.7kts
Windspeed 10kts from 104ºM
Course to steer 310ºM

 Following a discussion of the various possibilities we decide on the Curtin Channel as the most scenic and altered course to steer new course 250ºM.  This will takes us between Lady Elliot and Lady Musgrave Islands into the Curtis Channel.  Weather is overcast and rainy.  Motor on and stowed ALL SAILS.

13:15 Off the bottom of Lady Musgrave
POS 23º54'S  152º45'E (Made 30NM of Westing since 08:00 this morning)
SOG 7.0kts
Motoring in little wind and occasional rain
Cup of Soup for lunch

15:50 Passing South of Lady Musgrave Island at 1.5NM off.  Lots of fishing boats and one Navy Mineseeper.
POS 23º56'S 152º25'E (made another 20NM of Westing since 13.00hrs)
SOG 6.5kts
Windspeed 12kts from 115ºM
Motor sailing with headsail rolled out.

16:20 Passing South West of Lady Musgrave
POS 23º56'S  152º22'E  (made another  3NM of Westing since 15:50)
New course to steer 290ºM

18:30 Passing West of Boult Reef
POS 23:56'S  152:08'E
New course 280ºM
Being pushed NE by set 
Making for Rock Shoal
Beers and Gin and tonic were broken out for happy hour, now looking forward to dinner.
Nav lights on, coloured at deck and all-round white aloft.

19:00 Passing West of Fitzroy Reef
POS 23º48'S 152º06'E
New course to steer 270ºM
Moved WP 26 to West of Rock Cod Shoal.

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Posted via email from PK's Sailing posts

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